1. mai 2018


The flag for Vinnland, or more precisely "the people's technocratic republic of Vinnland" appears on the back of the three latest albums of the Goth-Rockgroup Type O Negative as well on numerous t-shirts. The flag is supposed to symbolize the republic of Vinnland situated in north America. Vinnland and it's flag are the brain child of the hulking black-haired front man of the band Type O Negative: Peter Steele. Steele incorporated his idea's of paganism, left/right wing political flirtations and his own heritage (his mother was part Icelandic) into a concept of a republic named after the first name the Vikings gave to north America: Vinland. The Vikings landed in Newfoundland around 1000 AD. and built a colony there. Steele takes this idea and tries to imagine what America would be like if the Vikings had actually stayed, and built a civilisation there. Based on that he designed a new flag in a Scandinavian cross pattern and gives it his favorite colours: green, black and white (which coincidently remind me of the German war cross). The concept of the people's technocratic republic only appears once in the song title "The glorious liberation of the people's technocratic republic of Vinnland by the combined forces of the united territories of Europa". In one of his interviews Steele says that he thinks the world would be better off if it were governed by scientists, hence technocratic. for more information see here
Jitse Verwer, 8 December 2000
It is a historical fact, that vikings really got to what now is called Newfoundland, and probably to Labrador and perhaps even more to the south of the North American coast too. However, they did not call that land "Vinnland" but Vinland. It is thought that the name came from the presence of currants ("vinbÀr" in modern Swedish), not of a supposed presence of vine or grapes.
Elias Granqvist, 9 December 2000